Something that you never think about but should be at the forefront of are minds is this.

Weak passwords trump good security.

No matter how good the system is programmed or secured. No matter how many walls we put up. If we let people give away the keys then security means nothing. This goes back to the idea of security as a chain. Security is a chain of things. If you have one weak spot your whole chain will break. It only takes one problem to get into a website or company.

How does this relate to you do you ask? Well look at it this way you know that test account or that default account your using. Well that is how the hacker is going to get in. He isn’t going to create some 0 day attack to break into your website or company. He is just going to google the default account for what ever tool your using or try and guess that its admin admin.  Most hackers are lazy and are going to look for the easiest way in and for the most part today there is some user out there with a easily guessable account password. It may not even be you! But if we don’t think about it it will effect us!